If you’re familiar with my testimonies, you know I’m intimately acquainted with persevering through dark and painful seasons.

Being a creative with the calling to share Christ doesn’t mean life is paved with open doors and favorable handouts. (Although God always provides!)

Living a life of favor and obedience to God isn’t glamorous or easy.

Often walking out creative callings comes with warfare, pressures of life, and faith-building to endure to the end while not being crushed.

But the reward is worth it! Jesus will always be worth it.

Creatives have the blessed opportunity to walk hand in hand with God’s Holy Spirit to reveal His nature and character to the world in unique and innovative ways.

Paintings that move people’s hearts just by gazing upon them. Books that ignite a fire in a person, inspiring them to new life. Seeing the impossible made possible through the glorious hand of God in the hearts of His faithful creatives.

Yet so many creatives give up on their dreams (on their callings) because the weights of life become overwhelming. The negativity and doubt shackle them until they’re no longer running but crawling just to get by.

My friend, may this not be you. If you are a creative business owner--whether in writing or creating art--I would love to invite you to join my Heart for Creatives newsletter curated to encourage and inspire creatives in their business journeys.

May this space serve to motivate, inspire, and fuel your creative drive to reach every goal set to fulfill the will of God upon your life.

I believe in you!

Dear Creative, 


A must-read for the creative hungering to return to the original design of creating with God.

read a sample

Business tools for any trade.


A powerful design tool to add text and elements to your brand photos.


A fantastic tool for tidying up your website and social media copy. 


Organize thoughts, launches, business goals, and life in one location. This tool, when used well, can revitalize workflows.

not afflilated or sponsored. 

Feed your spirit and thrive!

The Holy Spirit will always be the best teacher!

To truly thrive in this life, we must not neglect strengthening our faith and deepening our relationship with Christ.
Here are some recommendations if you're looking to rekindle your passion for God and His Holy Word.

Be a student of the Word. 

If we abide in His word, God will nourish our spirits and awaken us under His love in ways we never imagined were possible. 

Daily Bible readings and intimate prayer times are powerful for establishing unbreakable, unmovable spiritual foundations. 

All things are possible to those who believe (ref. Mark 9:23)

Journal the Word Bible

Explore this Bible

Embrace your inner word-nerd!

Whether it's dawned on us or not, the Bible was not originally written in today's English. *wink* Which means there's a depth of understanding waiting to be explored with the Holy Spirit. 

I have loved the Blue Letter Bible app for years because of the easy access to the Strong's Concordance. 

Run to your app store to include this resource in your Bible study journey!

Blue Letter Bible

Take a look

My friend, you are never alone! Not only is Christ walking alongside you, but I'd love to cheer you on as well!

Hop on my newsletter for creatives just like you. A place filled with insightful encouragement geared to keep our eyes on Jesus and to fuel our passion to complete the Father's will upon our lives. 

Need a friend to walk with you?