We all have them. Those bad habits that weasel their way into our decisions, causing us to falter. We aim to make wise choices, but those unsavory mindsets trip us up, leaving us face-planted in good intentions.
I’ve grumbled before about the length of my journey, but I am forever grateful for all the times the Father made me sit down with Him. 😅
Old Desiree would constantly turn marathons into sprints, determined to reach the finish line in as little time as possible.
While also expecting marathon-level results.
[Yeah, that’s not real life, past self. 🤦🏻♀️😂]
I’ve stood on my soapbox long enough that you know I’m at war with hustle culture mindsets. I have seen the good, godly fruit that comes from dwelling in unity with God and following the direction of the Holy Spirit, traveling at His pace.
Fear-driven decisions keep us held captive and in torment.
Worry and strife cause wrestling with God rather than living at peace in Him.
My friend, if you hear nothing else, I need you to hear this.
I’ve made the argument to God that I needed to make XYZ to pay bills.
I argued that I needed to have projects thrive per my expectations because I had to provide for my family.
So many “I” statements that blinded me to the truth.
The hard reality: I’d gotten to a place where I didn’t trust God to provide.
For some reason, a piece of my heart worried if the promises would ever be fulfilled. I’d endured such pain, from various trials, that it became easier to enjoy the ideas of a different future rather than trust God to resurrect dreams to achieve a different future.
God has shown me miracles; why would I doubt Him?
Countless times, God moved mountains for people in my life. Yet my heart couldn’t believe He would move mountains for me?
It’s those deep, raw, intimate moments with God that we have our eyes opened to life-changing truths.
I’ve shared scripture from 1 Peter 5 before, but I had my eyes opened afresh to these verses during my Sabbath break.
When studying these verses, I stumbled across the following footnote in my study Bible:
Worry is a form of pride?
Yikes, talk about conviction!
But this is where hustle and worry lead us. They carry us to a place of dependency upon self rather than bearing childlike trust in the One who made us.
Beautiful creative, you bring glory to God when you’re obedient.
He loves when you succeed because you’re actively shining a light for Him, pointing souls toward His Son through your creative work.
If you’re doing your part to walk out the assignments/ callings He has given you, then I encourage you to trust God to fulfill His part.
He will do what He said He would do. Even if it doesn’t look the way we plan.
God has never not been faithful to His people. It’s His people who wander from Him (but that’s a topic for another day 😉).
May you be blessed of the Lord today! May you see His faithfulness with fresh eyes and be encouraged to trust in God’s timing.
Shake off those toxic mindsets and dare to believe. Dare to trust His timing. You will see a harvest in due season.
Cheering you on!
October 31, 2024
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